MapBox Point Field Widget




Mapbox Access Token: To generate an access token, please follow MapBox account page instructions.


The widget has a Place Geocoder Autocomplete component by default. You can find a specific address coordinates with it.


The widget has built-in geocoding support. The autocomplete input will be populated by MapBox geocoding API when the user choose a point on the map manually.


access_token: Put the access token (required)

default: None
markerFitZoom: When the marker is initialized google’s default zoom is set to Max. This method sets the zoom level a reasonable distance and center the marker on the map.

default: 14
showZoomNavigation: Whether or not to display the map zoom navigation buttons.

default: True
mapOptions: Specify custom map options parameters in dict type with this attribute, note that, custom options and the widget default options dictionary keys will be merged when the settings loaded. See the full list of map options parameters here.

    "zoom": 12,
    "style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11",
    "scrollZoom": False,
    "animate": False,
    "center": TIMEZONE_COORDINATES.get(getattr(django_settings, "TIME_ZONE", "UTC"))  # (latitude, longitude),


If mapOptions center setting isn’t overridden in the project settings file, the widget will be centered the map regarding timezone setting. There is a list of coordinates for timezones in the project code.

geocoderOptions: Specify custom geocoder options parameters in dict type with this attribute, note that, custom options and the widget default options dictionary keys will be merged when the settings loaded. See the full list of geocoder options parameters here.

    "zoom": 6,
    "flyTo": False,
    "style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11",
    "reverseGeocode": True,
    "marker": False



Set the widget settings with MAP_WIDGETS attribute in django settings:

    "MapboxPointFieldWidget": {
        "access_token": MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        "markerFitZoom": 12,
        "mapOptions": {
            "animate": True,
            "zoom": 10,
            "center": (51.515618, -0.091998)
        "geocoderOptions": {
            "zoom": 7

Use the widget in Django Admin or Forms:

from django.contrib.gis import admin
from mapwidgets.widgets import MapboxPointFieldWidget

class NeighbourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    autocomplete_fields = ('neighbour_of_house',)
    formfield_overrides = {
        models.PointField: {"widget": MapboxPointFieldWidget}
from django.contrib.gis.forms import PointField
from mapwidgets.widgets import MapboxPointFieldWidget

class HouseCreateForm(forms.ModelForm):
    location_has_default = PointField(widget=MapboxPointFieldWidget)

    class Meta:
        model = House
        fields = ("name", "location", "location_has_default")
        widgets = {
            "location": GooglePointFieldWidget,

Custom settings can provide individual form fields separately with settings as a parameter.

from django.contrib.gis import forms
from django.contrib.gis.forms import PointField
from mapwidgets.widgets import MapboxPointFieldWidget

    "MapboxPointFieldWidget": (
        ("zoom", 15),
        ("mapCenterLocation", [60.7177013, -22.6300491]),

    "MapboxPointFieldWidget": (
        ("zoom", 15),
        ("mapCenterLocation", [60.7177013, -22.6300491]),

class HouseCreateForm(forms.ModelForm):
    location_has_default = PointField(widget=MapboxPointFieldWidget(settings=SINGLE_MAP_SETTINGS))
    location = PointField(widget=MapboxPointFieldWidget(settings=SECOND_WIDGET_SETTINGS))

    class Meta:
        model = House
        fields = ("name", "location", "location_has_default")

Javascript Triggers

If you need to develop your map UI on front-end side, you can use map widget jQuery triggers.

  • google_point_map_widget:marker_create: Triggered when user create marker on map. (callback params: place, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID)
  • google_point_map_widget:marker_change: Triggered when user change marker position on map. (callback params: place, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID)
  • google_point_map_widget:marker_delete: Triggered when user delete marker on map. (callback params: lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID)
  • google_point_map_widget:place_changed: Triggered when user update the place via geocoder input. (callback params: place, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID)
(function ($){
    $(document).on("mapbox_point_map_widget:marker_create", function (e, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID) {
        console.log("EVENT: marker_create"); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(locationInputElem); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(lat, lng); // created marker coordinates
        console.log(mapWrapID); // map widget wrapper element ID

    $(document).on("mapbox_point_map_widget:marker_change", function (e, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID) {
        console.log("EVENT: marker_change"); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(locationInputElem); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(lat, lng);  // changed marker coordinates
        console.log(mapWrapID); // map widget wrapper element ID

    $(document).on("mapbox_point_map_widget:marker_delete", function (e, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID) {
        console.log("EVENT: marker_delete"); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(locationInputElem); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(lat, lng);  // deleted marker coordinates
        console.log(mapWrapID); // map widget wrapper element ID

    $(document).on("mapbox_point_map_widget:place_changed", function (e, place, lat, lng, locationInputElem, mapWrapID) {
        console.log("EVENT: place_changed"); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(place);  // mapbox geocoder place object
        console.log(locationInputElem); // django widget textarea widget (hidden)
        console.log(lat, lng); // created marker coordinates
        console.log(mapWrapID); // map widget wrapper element ID

Javascript Objects

The widget JS objects mapboxMapObj and mapboxMapWidgetObj can reach out via the map HTML elements using with jQuery $.data. Use jquery selector format like $("#{django-form-field-name}-map-elem") in order to get jquery object. See examples in the demo project templates.