Google Map Static Widget



Django map widgets provide all Google Static Map API features. Check out this link for the google static map API features.

Here is the all default settings attribute for google static map widget.

    "GoogleStaticMapWidget": (
        ("zoom", 15),
        ("size", "480x480"),
        ("scale", ""),
        ("format", ""),
        ("maptype", ""),
        ("path", ""),
        ("visible", ""),
        ("style", ""),
        ("language", ""),
        ("region", "")

    "GoogleStaticMapMarkerSettings": (
        ("size", "normal"),
        ("color", ""),
        ("icon", ""),
    "LANGUAGE": "en",


If you are not using specific features on Google Static Map API, you just need to update GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY value in your Django settings file. If you also need individual size map images, you can pass size and zoom parameter for each GoogleStaticMapWidget class.

Google Map APIs configuration

In order to use this widget, you need to enable Google Map static API in your google application configuration;


In your file, add your MAP_WIDGETS config:

    "GoogleStaticMapWidget": (
        ("zoom", 15),
        ("size", "320x320"),
    "GoogleStaticMapMarkerSettings": (
        ("color", "green"),
    "GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY": "<google-map-api-key>"

Django Admin

from mapwidgets.widgets import GoogleStaticMapWidget

class CityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {
        models.PointField: {"widget": GoogleStaticMapWidget}

Django Forms

from mapwidgets.widgets import GoogleStaticMapWidget

class CityDetailForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = City
        fields = ("name", "coordinates", "city_hall")
        widgets = {
            'coordinates': GoogleStaticMapWidget,
            'city_hall': GoogleStaticMapWidget(zoom=12, size="240x240"),